Sunday, August 24, 2008

Essential Number 4: Strategic Service

As we look forward to what Encounter will be like, I can identify at least four things that will be essential to making our mission a reality. If we really want to lead people into growing relationships with Christ, everyone must be focused and committed to our Entry Environments, Life Groups, an Invest & Invite Culture, and Strategic Service. Let's discuss essential number 4, an Strategic Service.

Strategic service occurs when we intentionally serve in a place that moves the church closer to fulfilling its mission.

Our strategy is very specific: to create environments where people are encouraged and equipped to pursue growing faith through intimacy with Jesus (Encounter God), authentic relationships by doing life together (Experience Community), and trust relationships that lead to transformation (Engage Culture).

One of the best ways to connect and grow is to serve others, but it's not enough to simply serve. Our impact relies upon a coordinated, strategic effort of service with other gifted members of the body of Christ. That is why we need every person to serve in at least one of our ministry environments.

At first, you may be asked to serve in areas of need. It is important to understand that as Encounter grows and as God adds new gifted individuals to our community, we will eventually find a place that best fits our individual mix of gifts.

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